My story is one of historical relevance. I was the first child in modern day history to be adopted by way of video tape. My parents played a very important role in changing the adoption process. As I think back I never knew that this was a huge event in history until I was an adult. I was blessed and fortunate to have had parents who were financially able to go through the process of adopting me with little to no obstacles. As I grew to adulthood and shared my awesome story with other families to encourage adoption, I was met with responses like “I would but I’m not financially able” or “we tried but it was financially difficult.” Challenges like these caught my attention to realize this is not a “me” dilemma but a “we” dilemma in the adoption process. One of the most stressful and challenging questions that comes up, especially in today’s economy, is “do I have enough money to do this or that?” And when it comes to adopting, that is one of the primary concerns of parents: do we have the money to adopt? Are we financially able to provide for a child? The goal of my foundation is to ease these burdensome questions. I want parents to have the confidence when adopting a child, they will have the financial means to support them. Having and raising a family is financially taxing, especially today. With my foundation, I want parents to have the funds and resources so they can start a financially stable family. The only thing they should have to be concerned about is how many kids they want to adopt!
I want parents and children to experience all the joy and ease of adoption that my parents experienced when they adopted me.
There is much that needs to be done. But in the near future, I see my foundation as the number one resource for parents and adoption agencies for financial aid. I want Garrett Gift for Adoption foundation to be known throughout the nation for its compassion, love, and generosity for the assistance that it gives to people who want to give children a loving and caring family. My goal is to revive the historical and heartfelt story my adoption created and pass it on to other families in the community.
On behalf Garrett Gift for Adoption Foundation I would like to thank you for your contribution and support in bringing families together.
Amy L Feaster